Anamē’s Search for Light in the Dark: Discovering Hope in ‘Hopes & Fears’ Album


Scandinavian melodic house duo anamē releases their highly anticipated second album on Anjunabeats, Hopes & Fears, featuring uplifting melodies and inspiring lyrics.

In recent years, the musical landscape has been enriched by the Scandinavian duo anamē , comprised of Marcus Schössow and Thomas Sagstad. They gained traction within the melodic house genre with captivating tracks like “Gratitude” alongside Above & Beyond, while their live performances have incorporated engaging elements that resonate deeply with audiences. Their debut album, Beautiful World, released in 2023, showcased their talent and secured their place on Anjunabeats. Now, they return with their sophomore project, Hopes & Fears.

Hopes & Fears continues the narrative established in Beautiful World, offering listeners 12 new tracks to delve into. The duo reflects, “Back then, how we experienced the world felt far less bleak than the stories we were being force-fed. This new album is about holding onto hope when times feel increasingly uncertain—a search for light in the dark, believing that even in the shadows, there’s always a glimmer of light worth fighting for.”

The soundscapes on this album are a refreshing blend of gorgeous melodies and soul-stirring lyrics, creating an intoxicating listening experience. The sole solo single, “Cloudwalking,” initiates this journey with an ambient introduction that gradually builds intensity, preparing the listener for the immersive sound to follow.

The album features a dynamic array of collaborators, including Moyka, Welt, Biishop, Lydmor, PEARL, Bien, and Bri Zoli. Each artist, sharing a common Scandinavian heritage with anamē, contributes to the depth of the soundscapes crafted in the studio, with some tracks standing out prominently.

One of the standout singles, “It Can Be Better Now,” showcases Welt’s soothing vocals, infusing the mix with hopeful energy. Biishop’s contributions on “Tennessee Bloom” and “Seraph” are mesmerizing, transporting listeners to a different mental space. Furthermore, “Electric Lights” features a slow-burning beat, beautifully complemented by PEARL’s powerful performance.

Lydmor’s influence on Hopes & Fears is undeniable. This prominent Danish pop artist collaborates with anamē on four tracks—“Hero,” “Astronauts,” “What About Me,” and “Hopeful”—each brimming with emotional depth. These songs harmoniously blend lyrical content with the melodic elements that define anamē’s sound.

In addition to their artistic contributions, anamē is committed to giving back; they will donate a percentage of the revenue generated from sales and streams of Hopes & Fears to Mental Helse Ungdom, an organization dedicated to supporting young people’s mental health. They also plan to launch a rolling fundraiser to encourage community involvement. “Over the next year, we want to extend our support to more causes, places, and people who need help. Because no one should feel alone in this. Hope starts here,” the duo stated.

Experience Hopes & Fears on Spotify or your preferred platform, and follow anamē for future updates through their social media channels.

Stream anamēHopes & Fears on Spotify:

anamēHopes & Fears – Tracklist:

  1. Cloudwalking
  2. Colder (with Moyka)
  3. It Can Be Better Now (with Welt)
  4. Tennessee Bloom (with Biishop)
  5. Hero (with Lydmor)
  6. Electric Lights (with PEARL)
  7. Happy To Be Alive (with Bien)
  8. Astronauts (with Lydmor)
  9. Break The Silence (with Bri Zoli)
  10. Seraph (with Biishop)
  11. What About Me (with Lydmor)
  12. Hopeful (with Lydmor)
anamē - Hopes & Fears

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